Janae Sumter

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Janae Sumter is a lead reserve personnel appropriation budget analyst with the 413th Flight Test Group. In her position, she manages budget execution and funding for members within the unit. Recently, she earned a promotion from GS-09 to GS-11, an accomplishment she sought after since day one.

“When I first got here, I had a goal,” said Sumter, who started with the 413th FTG in 2015 as a GS-07. “I’m going to come and learn all that I can—more than just [Defense Travel System]. I’m going to sit with my colleagues, look over their shoulders and just learn what all they know.”

So Sumter did just that, and according to her, it was worth it.

“I’m in awe that I set a goal and stuck with it, and I was able to achieve it,” she said. “When you’re given an opportunity, take advantage of it. I worked hard, and it paid off. The [temporary duty assignments], the long hours—I’ve finally seen that it’s paid off. I’m excited, and I hope my son looks at Mommy like, ‘she did it!’”

Despite her achievement, she knows she still has work to do and much to learn. Within the next few months, she’s scheduled to participate in the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program, a course designed to develop the next generation of civilian leaders in the acquisition, financial management and human resources communities.

“So what’s next?” she said. “Of course, that program, and then, getting my level-two certification, which I’m almost done with. Then, getting my [Professional Financial Management Course] certification and also helping other people—targeting young girls and talking to them about opportunities in the government and leadership.”